How much of a Yeti are you?


#1. Who plays Rick O’Connell in The Mummy movies?

#2. What’s Reggie’s famous line about in the queue video?

#3. In the movies, what awakens Imhotep?

#4. What’s the name of the sacred book in the movies?

#5. Count the scarab beetles in the queue!

#6. What was Imhotep’s role in ancient Egypt?

#7. What color are the hieroglyphics when they glow?

#8. In the movies, what city is Imhotep first discovered in?

#9. Who plays Evelyn in The Mummy movies?

#10. What’s the minimum height requirement?

#11. What’s Rick’s occupation in the first movie?

#12. What treasure appears most in the ride’s gold room?

#13. What’s Evelyn’s job in the first movie?

#14. How many main Mummy movies star Brendan Fraser?

#15. What time period are The Mummy movies set in?

#16. Count the warrior statues in queue!

#17. What’s Jonathan’s relation to Evelyn?

#18. What special effect appears most in the ride?

#19. Which actor plays Imhotep in the movies?

#20. What ancient city does the ride queue represent?

#21. Look for this! Which tomb has Brendan Fraser’s coffee cup?

#22. What’s the name of Rick’s son in the movies?

#23. What year was the first Mummy movie released?

#24. What’s unique about Imhotep’s powers?

#25. What does Evelyn accidentally read to wake Imhotep?

#26. What appears in the ride’s earthquake scene?

#27. Which Mummy movie features the Scorpion King?

#28. What’s the famous line about the curse?

#29. How many ride vehicles operate at once?

#30. Who plays the Scorpion King?

#31. What is the exact speed (in mph) of the launch into darkness?

#32. How many individual LED lights create the treasure room effect?

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