Navi River Journey

How much of a Yeti are you?


#1. In what year did Na’vi River Journey open?

#2. Hidden Mickey Alert! How many can you spot in the entrance vines?

#3. How long is the actual ride experience?

#4. Listen carefully! What jungle sound plays every 3 minutes?

#5. Who composed the music for the attraction?

#6. Fun discovery! What happens when you step on the glowing patterns?

#7. What unique Disney record does the Shaman hold?

#8. Look up! What creatures ‘fly’ overhead in the queue?

#9. How many guests can each boat hold?

#10. Hidden Mickey Alert! One appears in water ripples – what color?

#11. What language do the Na’vi speak during the ride?

#12. Queue game! Count the spiral patterns in the cave section

#13. What’s unique about the ride’s boats?

#14. How many different bioluminescent plants were created for the ride?

#15. Listen game! How many different animal sounds can you hear?

#16. What makes the Shaman’s movements so realistic?

#17. Queue challenge! Find all glowing handprints – how many?

#18. What does ‘Na’vi’ mean in English?

#19. Spot it! What animals appear as shadows during the ride?

#20. Which Imagineer led the ride’s development?

#21. Look closely! The Shaman’s dress changes what colors?

#22. How many audio speakers are hidden throughout the ride?

#23. What’s unique about the ride’s lighting?

#24. Family game! Who can spot more Na’vi words in queue?

#25. Which other Disney ride inspired the boat design?

#26. What time of day is it supposed to be during the ride?

#27. Queue challenge! Count the different Na’vi symbols shown

#28. What inspired the ride’s bioluminescent effects?

#29. How many individual figure movements does the Shaman make?

#30. What does the Shaman’s song translate to in English?

#31. What is the exact number of unique bioluminescent effects programmed in the ride?

#32. How many hours of Na’vi language recordings were made for the attraction?

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