How much of a Yeti are you?


#1. What year did the Indiana Jones Stunt Show open?

#2. How many volunteers are typically chosen from the audience?

#3. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in the temple scene?

#4. What color is the casting director’s shirt?

#5. Count the stone columns in the temple!

#6. What fruit appears in the marketplace scene?

#7. How many different stunts are demonstrated?

#8. What’s unique about the marketplace awnings?

#9. What vehicle appears in the show?

#10. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in the marketplace?

#11. How many explosions happen during the show?

#12. What color is Indy’s famous hat?

#13. Count the stairs in the temple entrance!

#14. What’s the minimum height for volunteer participants?

#15. What sound effect plays during the rolling boulder scene?

#16. How many different weapons appear in the show?

#17. What pattern appears on the temple walls?

#18. What color are the marketplace rugs?

#19. How many stunt performers typically appear?

#20. What’s unique about the show’s timing?

#21. Count the baskets in the marketplace!

#22. What drink appears in the marketplace scene?

#23. How many different sets are revealed?

#24. What animal sound effects are used?

#25. What prop appears most in the show?

#26. How many audience volunteers wear costumes?

#27. What’s written on the temple entrance?

#28. What color is Marion’s costume?

#29. How many different scenes feature fire effects?

#30. What’s unique about the temple floor?

#31. What is the exact weight (in pounds) of the rolling boulder prop?

#32. How many individual lighting cues are programmed into the 20-minute show?

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