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#1. What year did Disney’s Hollywood Studios first open?

#2. What was the park’s original name?

#3. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one on Hollywood Boulevard?

#4. What color is the Chinese Theater?

#5. How many shows are performed daily at the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular?

#6. What animal appears on Echo Lake?

#7. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in the Frozen shop?

#8. What color are the Toy Story Land benches?

#9. How many towers are on the Tower of Terror?

#10. What snack is BB-8 famous for serving?

#11. Count the palm trees on Sunset Boulevard!

#12. What time does the first show at Sci-Fi Dine-In usually start?

#13. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one near Tower of Terror entrance?

#14. What color is Gertie the Dinosaur?

#15. How many different songs play on Hollywood Boulevard?

#16. What shape are the Hollywood & Vine windows?

#17. What year is represented on Hollywood Boulevard?

#18. Count the posters in the Chinese Theater courtyard!

#19. What color are cast member nametags?

#20. How many stores are on Sunset Boulevard?

#21. What’s unique about the Brown Derby’s sign?

#22. How many different Mickey & Minnie outfits appear in park?

#23. What instrument plays most on Sunset Boulevard?

#24. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in 50’s Prime Time Café?

#25. What color is the Baseline Tap House building?

#26. How many different languages appear on park signs?

#27. What’s unique about Echo Lake’s water?

#28. Count the different coffee drinks at Trolley Car Café!

#29. What pattern appears most on Hollywood Boulevard?

#30. How many different show times are listed on theater marquees?

#31. What color are the park entrance turnstiles?

#32. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in Animation Courtyard?

#33. What bird appears most in park decorations?

#34. How many different street performers appear daily?

#35. What’s playing on the Grand Avenue radio?

#36. What color are the park’s trash cans?

#37. Count the different ice cream flavors at Hollywood Scoops!

#38. What year appears on most newspaper props?

#39. How many different camera props appear in park?

#40. What’s unique about the park’s streetlights?

#41. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in Commissary Lane?

#42. What pattern is on most awnings?

#43. How many different carnival games appear in Toy Story Land?

#44. What’s the most common film genre shown in posters?

#45. Count the different types of vehicles on Hollywood Boulevard!

#46. What color appears most in Galaxy’s Edge?

#47. How many working studio lights appear in Animation Courtyard?

#48. Which original brick from 1930s Hollywood is embedded in the park’s entrance?

#49. What is the exact number of individual bulbs in all the marquees combined?

#50. How many different architectural styles are represented in the park’s buildings?

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