How much of a Yeti are you?


#1. What year did the Haunted Mansion open at Magic Kingdom?

#2. What is the name of the Ghost Host’s actor?

#3. How many hitchhiking ghosts are there?

#4. What is the name of the organ in the ballroom?

#5. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where can you spot one in the ballroom?

#6. What is the name of the bride in the attic?

#7. How many wedding rings has Constance collected?

#8. What is the maximum capacity of each Doom Buggy?

#9. Which Disney Legend helped create Madame Leota?

#10. What’s unique about the pet cemetery added in 2011?

#11. How many times was the mansion’s opening delayed?

#12. What color was the mansion originally painted?

#13. How many happy haunts reside in the mansion?

#14. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in the endless hallway?

#15. What is the name of the raven that appears throughout the ride?

#16. Which scene uses the Pepper’s Ghost effect?

#17. What instrument does the coffin occupant play?

#18. How many stories tall is the mansion’s exterior?

#19. Which Imagineer voiced Little Leota?

#20. What type of wood is featured in the library scene?

#21. How many stretching portraits are there?

#22. What’s unique about the mansion’s door knocker?

#23. Which room features the ‘Endless Staircase’?

#24. What’s the temperature inside the mansion?

#25. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in the pet cemetery?

#26. What was Master Gracey’s occupation?

#27. How many verses are in ‘Grim Grinning Ghosts’?

#28. What design is on the wallpaper in the loading area?

#29. Which ghost appears twice during the ride?

#30. How many minutes is the ride approximately?

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