How much of a Yeti are you?


#1. What color are the flight suits for cast members?

#2. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in the boarding area?

#3. How many rows are in each section?

#4. What scent appears during the Taj Mahal scene?

#5. Count the hot air balloons in Switzerland!

#6. What animal appears in Africa?

#7. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one near the pre-show area?

#8. How many different scents are used during the ride?

#9. What color are the seat dividers?

#10. What bird appears in the polar scene?

#11. Count the sailboats in Sydney Harbor!

#12. What’s unique about the queue railings?

#13. What special effect appears most?

#14. How many different countries do you visit?

#15. What time of day is the Eiffel Tower scene?

#16. What’s the minimum height requirement?

#17. Count the waterfalls in the mountain scene!

#18. What color is the pre-show screen?

#19. How many different types of aircraft appear?

#20. What sea life appears in the ocean scene?

#21. Hidden Mickey Alert! Where’s one in the mountain scene?

#22. What weather appears in the ride?

#23. How many people fit in each row?

#24. What appears in the desert scene?

#25. Count the fireworks at the end!

#26. What shape are the boarding gates?

#27. How many different music themes play?

#28. What’s unique about the seat belts?

#29. What appears in the city transitions?

#30. How many different languages appear on signs?

#31. What is the exact height (in feet) reached by the ride vehicles at their peak position?

#32. How many individual frames were filmed to create the seamless global journey?

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